Complete Electronic Panel System for CNC Applications with Mach3 Software
Orion Electronics presents the complete Electronic panel system comprising servos and stepper motors for any CNC application. Mach3 software is the controlling brain of the system, installed on a PC. We custom designed Mach3 such that a single file executes multiple tools.
As a part of this whole package, our control panel comprises of:
Hardware :
- Imported Servo Motors and Drives
- Orion make Stepper Motor Drives with Motors
- Power Supplies, VFDs
- Orion make Breakout Boards
- Orion make Customized Software, if need be.
- Orion make V to F Converters
- Orion’s specially designed SMPS for Higher Frequency Switching
- External Panel Enclosure, along with Full Wire Routing, Commissioning and Installation
Software :
- Controlling Software Mach3, which runs the G-Code Design Files.
Along with the basic Mach3 software with the required automation components, we can also effectively use hardware parts like Ethernet based Smooth stepper and Hicon Integra cards which offer a closed loop performance. Successful installations are done using PLC and HMI systems which offer a great micron accuracy with incremental encoders. Just like Mach3, we can effectively Use Mach4 as well.
Training on CAM software like Artcam, Aspire and Powermill Premium is also provided by us. With the same components, we have achieved successful programming of auto-tool turret in 4/8/12/16 stations used on a standard lathe machine. With this development, any standard mechanical lathe machine can be easily automated with close-loop performance. Of course, it is economical as compared to a Fanuc or Siemens CNC controller.